Provide a prayer support system for ministries, staff, church family and for throughout the surrounding community and receives prayer requests on behalf of FBC member and anyone in need of prayer.
Intercessory Prayer is held every Friday night via telephone conference call from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. The call in number is 1-716-427-1559. The access code is 124106#. During prayer time we pray specifically according to prayer themes for the evening
You are invited to join Intercessory prayer each 1st Sunday in sanctuary from 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. before Sunday School and Worship Services.
Prayer requests can be submitted by calling the church, or submitting your request online. The First Baptist Church number is 202-581-9100.
Contact: Lizzie Smith
The First Baptist Church is a community of loving, God-fearing people who seek to embody the Five E’s-Education, Emancipation, Empowerment, Enhancement and Evangelism. As we serve God’s people, we acknowledge that without Him “we can do nothing,”